As businesses put away their Pride merchandise and parade floats are taken down, we must ask ourselves, how do we continue to work towards LGBTQ inclusion in the Jewish community year-round, not just during Pride month?
Join The Well, NEXTGen Detroit Pride and Keshet as we welcome Arya Marvazy, Managing Director of JQ International. Arya will share his story about growing up as a gay Jewish man in the Persian community in Los Angeles, followed by moderating a discussion on intersectionality and inclusion in the Jewish community. We’ll also hear from members of our local LGBTQ Jewish community. Part storytelling, part meaningful discussion and part call to action —this is an evening not to be missed!
This event is intended for young adults ages 21 to 45. Thanks to the generosity of our donors, this event is available at no charge, but an RSVP is required, through the form below.
Learn more about Arya Marvazy:
Learn more about JQ International:
About The Well: The Well is an inclusive Jewish community-building, education and spirituality outreach initiative geared to the needs of young adults in Metro Detroit. Our belief is that Jewish community, ethics, values, and spirituality can and should be directly applicable to our lives, and should drive us to positively impact the world around us.
About NEXTGen Detroit: NEXTGen Detroit, the young adult division of the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit, is on a mission to be the hub of a young, vibrant Jewish Detroit. By serving as a connector for all things young and Jewish, we help native Detroiters and newcomers find meaning and build relationships in all facets of life, from professional and religious to cultural and communal.
About Keshet: Keshet works for the full equality of all LGBTQ Jews and our families in Jewish life. We strengthen Jewish communities. We equip Jewish organizations with the skills and knowledge to build LGBTQ-affirming communities; create spaces in which all queer Jewish youth feel seen and valued; and advance LGBTQ rights nationwide.